Lionheart Active: A Yoga-Infused Campaign

An online multi-brand store for workout and junkies and yogis alike, Lionheart Active asked me to be a part of their launch campaign

Sometime in November of 2016, I got sent a DM on Instagram to be a part of a campaign that would turn out to be extremely fun (albeit tiring).

I don’t usually respond to message requests unless it’s a simple question (such as where I’m eating what I’ve posted on my Instastory), but the prospect of being a part of the launch campaign for an online multi-brand yoga/exercise site certainly piqued my interest.

So I said yes to the shoot.

I’m going to leave this particular post as a gallery and let the photos speak for themselves, but I must say that there are two things I loved about this campaign in particular: the first is that the founder of Lionheart Active, Liwen Woon, didn’t want to feature models but actual workout junkies. Thus the reason for having Shemane Lee as my bff/gym bunny representative for the shoot and I as the yogi for the day. Secondly, I loved the inclusion of an average-sized girl. I am by no means skinny, nor do I have a model’s physique, and that is exactly what Liwen was looking for. It’s flattering to say the least.

The dream team
Photography: YS Ting
Makeup: Geraldine Loy
Hair: Angeline

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